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Kayu Putih Tanaman Obat Indonesia

Kayu Putih Tanaman Obat Indonesia

(Meialeuca leucadendra L.) Sinonim : = M. cajuputi, Roxb. = M. cumingiana et lancifolia Turcz. = M. minor Sm. = M. saligna B. = M. virid...
9.606 Spesies Tanaman Obat Ada di Indonesia

9.606 Spesies Tanaman Obat Ada di Indonesia

DENPASAR, — Indonesia memiliki sekitar 9.606 spesies tumbuhan yang mengandung khasiat tinggi untuk pengadaan obat-obatan alami gu...
Juvenile, Adults and Pregnancy Type Diabetes

Juvenile, Adults and Pregnancy Type Diabetes

By: Michael Green Diabetes is a disease that when the body does not produce enough insulin to break down sugar in the blood. One can get dia...
Diabetic Testing Supplies info

Diabetic Testing Supplies info

By: Michael Green Dealing with diabetes is more than just having to pop a pill with the wish that the drug will keep the ailment at bay. ...
Pre diabetic situation

Pre diabetic situation

By: Michael Green What is pre diabetic? The sickness already exists in a person, but has not yet been diagnosed. This is the moment to pr...
How To Control Diabetes Naturaly-00-2167

How To Control Diabetes Naturaly-00-2167

By: M.G. Blanford You can control diabetes. If you are diagnosed with Type II diabetes, the first thing you need to do is get a blood sug...
Diabetes and Depression - The Surprising Connection

Diabetes and Depression - The Surprising Connection

By: Alice Saracho In the early stages of a disease, in most cases, the body will give subtle hints signaling that something may be not qu...
Having PreDiabetes Does Not Mean That You're Doomed To Get Diabetes

Having PreDiabetes Does Not Mean That You're Doomed To Get Diabetes

By: Alice Saracho Prediabetes is a condition in which the blood glucose levels of a person are higher than normal but not quite high enou...
Do You Have Diabetes? Three Ways To Test

Do You Have Diabetes? Three Ways To Test

By: Alice Saracho Over the years, diabetes has slowly become a major public health problem. Over twenty million people in the U.S. have diab...
10 Tanaman Ajaib Penurun Kadar Gula Darah

10 Tanaman Ajaib Penurun Kadar Gula Darah

Anda penderita Diabetes? Jika kadar gula darah Anda bermasalah, tak ada salahnya mencoba 10 bahan berikut yang membantu menurunkan gula dara...
Daun Encok Tanaman Obat

Daun Encok Tanaman Obat

Daun Encok (Plumbago zeylanica L.) Sinonim : = P. auriculata, Bl. = Tela alba, Lour. Familia : Plumbaginaceae Uraian : Tumbuhan obat ini be...
Teh Tanaman Obat Indonesia

Teh Tanaman Obat Indonesia

Teh (Camellia sinensis [L.] Kuntze) Sinonim : = Camellia bohea, Griff. = C. sinensis, (Linn.), O.K. = C. theifera, Dyer. = Thea sinensis, Li...
Essiac - The Facts Behind The Controversial Herbal Tea Essiac

Essiac - The Facts Behind The Controversial Herbal Tea Essiac

By Robert Scheer Renee Caisse was a Registered Nurse in Canada when she developed the recipe for Essiac, an herbal tea that has been used as...
Chiropractic and Swine Flu

Chiropractic and Swine Flu

By Jeremy S. McMinn What could Chiropractic possibly have to do with swine flu? More than meets the eye in fact. We all know that when you a...
Why You Want To Use Herbs Daily

Why You Want To Use Herbs Daily

By Denise Palmer To help your body heal itself naturally, and to optimize your daily health, here are 5 reasons why you should consider taki...
Fat Burning Tips

Fat Burning Tips

By: Weight Loss These fat burning tips will help you discover the secrets to losing weight. All those who are fed up with using differen...
Healthy living with healthy eating habits

Healthy living with healthy eating habits

By: John Deacon In today’s world of 2 minute instant noodles, there are lots of speculations about how to adopt the healthy eating habits...
Age gracefully

Age gracefully

Age gracefully By: Richard Haigh "Oh, you are so young looking"; how we all like to hear that! As well as maintaining a favoura...
Informasi Herbal Tanaman Obat Indonesia

Informasi Herbal Tanaman Obat Indonesia

Informasi tentang tumbuhan berkhasiat obat, berikut ini koleksi dan informasi lengkap seputar tanaman obat di blog kami "Herbs Medic...
Teratai  Tanaman Obat Indonesia

Teratai Tanaman Obat Indonesia

Teratai (Nelumbium nelumbo Druce) Sinonim : = Nelumbiurn nuciferum, Gaertn. = N. speciosum, Wilid. = Nelumbo nucifera, Gaertn. = Nyr...