TANAMAN OBAT INDONESIA Bawang Merah (Allium cepa) Sinonim : -- Familia : Amaryllidaceae (Liliaceae). Uraian : Herba semusim, tidak berbatang...
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Home » Archives for April 2009
Alang Alang Berkhasiat Obat
Alang Alang (Imperata cylindrica (L.)Beauv.) Sinonim : Lagurus cylindricus L. , Imperata arundinacea Cirillo. Familia : Poaceae Uraian : Per...
Profitable Plants To Grow In Your Greenhouse
Author: Gerald Mason Here are some profit making plants to grow in your greenhouse Philodendron and Pothos It is truly hard to beat philoden...
Daun Jintan Tanaman Obat Indonesia
Plectranthus amboinicus (L.) Spreng.) Sinonim : Coleus amboinicus Lour. Coleus aromatica Benth. Familia : Lamiaceae (Labiatae). Uraian : Ta...
Health Information on the Cumin Herbal Plant
The cumin herbal plant (Cuminum cyminum) was one of the most commonly used spices in Europe, particularly during the Middle Ages. Native to ...
Jintan Putih Tanaman Obat
(Cuminum cyminum, Linn.) Sinonim : Familia : Apiaceae Uraian : Jintan putih (cuminum cyminum) dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sering d...
Can Death Be Delayed or Ageing Reversed?
Author: Glenn Freiboth This same question has driven mankind and filed the annals of history. As recorded in the oldest Chinese medical text...
The Facts: Why Switching To Ganoderma Coffee Makes Sense
Author: John Tolmachoff Ganoderma, or Red Reishi, Coffee might help to improve your health. Its biggest medical benefit is the way it streng...
Jamur Kayu Tanaman Obat Indonesia
(Ganoderma lucidum (Leyss.ex Fr.) Karst.) Sinonim : Familia : Polyporaceae Uraian : Tumbuh saprofif pada batang kayu yang lapuk, tumbuh l...
Herbs Versus Prescription Drugs - a Comparison
Author: Robert We all know of the negative side effects which some prescription drugs can cause. Indeed, many of these drugs have official r...
Bunga Matahari Tanaman obat Indonesia
(Helianthus annuus Linn.) Sinonim : Familia : Compositae Uraian : Herba anual (umumya pendek, kurang dari setahun), tegak, berbulu...
Herb Gardening Essentials - Gardener Guide
Author: Matthew Hick Herbs are a greatly popular result of gardening - just as popular as flowers, shrubs, trees, fruits and vegetables. Her...
Rare And Exotic Garden Perennials For Landscape Planting
Author: Pat Malcolm The term, 'perennial plant', means simply that the plant returns following severe freezes, to grow again the nex...
Keji Beling Tanaman Obat Indonesia
(Stachytarpheta mutabilis, Vahl.) Sinonim : Strobilantes crispus, Bl. Sericocalyx crispus, (Linn.), Bremek. Familia : Acanthaceae Uraian : K...
Tumbuhan obat Kembang Sore
(Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet) Sinonim : = Sida indicum, Linn. Familia : Malvaceae Uraian : Tanaman ini dapat ditemukan dari 1-400 m dpl. Men...
How to start earning income from your Herbs blog ?
How to start earning income/revenue from your blog ? in order to get started you must register your account and blog with blogsvertise s...
What is Infertility?
Author: peterhutch Many people may be infertile during their reproductive years. They may be unaware of this because they are not seeking to...
Leonurus sibiricus
Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked): Angiosperms (unranked): Eudicots (unranked): Asterids Order: Lamiales Family: L...
Tanaman Obat Indonesia Ginjean
( Leonurus sibiricus L. ) Sinonim : = L. artemisia (Lour.) S.YHU. = L. heterophyllus, Sweet. Familia : Labiatae . Uraian : Herba ini tumbuh ...